The Mount Vernon Ventures team published “Imagine Then, Act Now: Futures Literacy for Learning Organizations” as the Research & Design (R&D) Report for Spring 2024. Since then, Ventures has decided to take a slightly different approach to publishing R&D reports moving forward. Instead of sharing a new topic of research and development each quarter, the team will expand and dive deeper into futures thinking with a four-part series of R&D plus “derivatives reports.” Here’s how it will work:

R&D Report – Main Synthesis and Thought Leadership

In the late spring of each year, the team will research and synthesize a significant amount of the core literature that exists in a topic area that we believe is essential for educational leaders and learning organizations to review and consider. By doing this summary and synthesis work, Ventures pulls together various signals and trends and performs critical sense making, so that you can learn and benefit from a compendium of knowledge and academic scholarship.

R&D Application (Derivative 1)

The first derivative of the main R&D Report will be an application of the research knowledge, demonstrating how an educational or organizational leader can employ the research in a highly practical and transformative way in one’s strategic and tactical work. For this particular topic of futures thinking, our Application will showcase an example of fleshing out more vibrant and robust scenarios for strategic positioning and implementation, a process that is too often skipped from strategic plan publication to actual attempts to operationalize the objectives outlined in a strategic plan. We show how not to jump from “we want to build a better house” to “it’s time to pick the pillows for the family room sofa” without a disciplined application of futures thinking to consider various, possible blueprints. This Application report is set to be published in early December 2024.

R&D Case Study (Derivative 2)

In the late winter, Ventures will release the second derivative from the main R&D Report for that year, this time in the form of a case study. We plan to detail an example from our own school, or that from a partner/client school, of how a teacher or staff member is employing a methodology developed from the scholarship surrounding the topic.

R&D Action Research (Derivative 3)

For the third derivative in the set and series, we will share a brief, cutting edge experiment of how a teacher is prototyping a new use of the research and practice to shift results in some compelling way. While the story will likely come from quasi-experimental design, rather than process that would stand up to true variable-controlled experimentation, action research is a fascinating method for engaging in a “lab” to try something new in the classroom or learning studio.

Futures thinking is a critical and fundamental mindset and skill set for developing and spreading imagination leadership. Nearly fifteen years ago, Mount Vernon made a similar determination about design thinking as a means to exercise leadership and agency to design a better world. We hope and trust that our efforts and determination in utilizing futures thinking might catalyze a regenerated movement to inspire, nurture, and support a collaborative dedication to design a better world.

Our newest MV Ventures podcast, focused on utilizing futures scenarios for long-term visioning, is now available. Interested in bringing our team to speak (keynote or workshop session) on futures thinking, design thinking, or other topics at your school or organization? Reach out to learn more.

Need help defining your school’s vision or utilizing futures thinking at your school? MV Ventures helps schools design strategy, innovate programs and systems, and transform teaching experiences. Let’s get started on your transformation journey.
Schedule a call today.